Contact us !

We appreciate your concerns about passing over quite a lot of money when you may know very little or nothing about us. We would much rather you feel at ease before buying, so here are a few details about the company.
Dalmatian Coast Cruises was formed in October 2006 but we were in the same business four years before that, operating in Croatia under the name Dalmatinska Obala d.o.o. (which means Dalmatian Coast Ltd in Croatian). Since moving to the UK the business has gone from strength to strength, even during the 2008 World financial crisis, and from our estimation we are the most successful luxury charter business in Croatia. We want to extend this success to other countries, such as Greece, Turkey and the Seychelles, hence the name Dalmatian Coast Cruises. We are currently building a new web site that will include all these countries, as well as Croatia, so we hope to be around in this business for a very long time!